[Blindapple] Apple IIGS emulation

Bryan Mckinnish bryanbkm at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 08:52:10 EDT 2021


What text talker gs disk are you running. The one with the manual works, 
nd so dos the textalker 1.3 gs one.

The 1.4 update has no dos os on it as far as I saw with citer press.

I wonder where we can find some good gs software to mess with to build 
up use for it.

I read something about apple works being used with textalker last night 
in the manual.

Bryan Mckinnish

On 8/24/2021 8:42 AM, Kyle via BlindApple wrote:
> Wow that did it! echoiiplus in slot 3 works like a champ with the DOS 
> 3.3 and ProDOS Textalker in -flop1 and with my ProDOS hard disk that 
> starts Davex talking. Now if only I could get the GS Textalker system 
> disk working. It still only beeps this low beep and then gives me a 
> system bell when I press a key. I thought this was a result of trying 
> it as a cffa2 hard disk when it is in fact an 800K floppy, but it's 
> exhibiting the same behavior in -flop3 without a cffa2. The only 
> difference now is that it is spinning the floppy drive and apparently 
> reading something on the disk before the system bell instead of just 
> silently running for half a second before giving me the system bell as 
> it was doing when I had no floppies and only the cffa2. My 
> apple2gs.ini is now only putting the echoiiplus in slot 3 and emptying 
> all other slots. Is there something I should be doing to get this GS 
> Textalker disk booted, a certain key I'm supposed to be pressing or 
> something? Thanks for the help.
> ~Kyle
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