[Blindapple] TexTalker GS

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Wed Aug 5 21:08:08 EDT 2020


Thanks. I'll download this. Just for kicks, do you know if he has any 
source code or other interesting historical stuff?



On 8/3/2020 7:32 PM, joseph.norton at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi all:
> I have been in communication with Rob Meredith at APH, who did most of 
> the work on TexTalker GS and he has no problem with releasing it to 
> the group.
> His words were:
> Yes, please release Textalker-GS 1.4 to the Blind Apple Group. Of 
> course, the lack of talk.init is not good for some.
> The “TALK.INIT” file is used by GSOS to launch TexTalker gs from 
> within the system/system.setup folder.  However, he did give me 
> binaries of “TALK” which he said should be type “SYS” under ProDOS.  
> This, in turn, loads up “TALK.0” the other component of TexTalker gs, 
> and should be in the same folder as the “TALK” file.
> Here is a link to a Shrinkit archive with the files we have, so far.
> He thinks it might be possible to recompile “TALK.INIT”, but, is not sure.
> There are several things TTGS is still not doing, and, I don’t know if 
> those are emulation issues, or something else.
> Anyway, here is a link to the Shrinkit archive containing these 2 files:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/piovob4c8h7lsj1/TTGS14.SHK?dl=1
> See the included README for some very sparse information.
> You can use Ciderpress to extract the files, look at them or inser 
> them into a disk image.
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