[Blindapple] TexTalker GS

Joseph Norton joseph.norton at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 22:55:37 EDT 2020

Hi Jason:

Rob is talking about possibly trying to re-compile the source for example for the talk.init file because it is not something that is currently available in binary format.
But he doesn’t have a system that he can do that on so it’s unclear how soon that will happen or if it will happen.

Another thing is that he is not sure that the source can be released due to copyright issues I guess.
He did mention that he had heard that Merlin 16 was available in the public domain and that’s what they used to compile it originally.

The funny thing is that he is puzzled that the basic.system file doesn’t speak when you run it.

He seems to think it should speak along with some of the other things that are talking such as Davex.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Aug 5, 2020, at 9:08 PM, Jayson Smith <jaybird at bluegrasspals.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks. I'll download this. Just for kicks, do you know if he has any source code or other interesting historical stuff?
> Thanks,
> Jayson
> On 8/3/2020 7:32 PM, joseph.norton at gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> I have been in communication with Rob Meredith at APH, who did most of the work on TexTalker GS and he has no problem with releasing it to the group.
>> His words were:
>> Yes, please release Textalker-GS 1.4 to the Blind Apple Group. Of course, the lack of talk.init is not good for some.
>> The “TALK.INIT” file is used by GSOS to launch TexTalker gs from within the system/system.setup folder.  However, he did give me binaries of “TALK” which he said should be type “SYS” under ProDOS.  This, in turn, loads up “TALK.0” the other component of TexTalker gs, and should be in the same folder as the “TALK” file.
>> Here is a link to a Shrinkit archive with the files we have, so far.
>> He thinks it might be possible to recompile “TALK.INIT”, but, is not sure.
>> There are several things TTGS is still not doing, and, I don’t know if those are emulation issues, or something else.
>> Anyway, here is a link to the Shrinkit archive containing these 2 files:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/piovob4c8h7lsj1/TTGS14.SHK?dl=1
>> See the included README for some very sparse information.
>> You can use Ciderpress to extract the files, look at them or inser them into a disk image.
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