[Blindapple] introduction

Jayson Smith ratguy at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 28 00:30:54 EDT 2005

I'd love to know what else you've got for the Apple.  Do you have any way to
image these disks, assuming you get an Apple set up?  What are some of the
programs you have?  I have a disk library started where people can go and
download disk images of some programs.  It's at the following url.
There are several disks already there, and any others people send,
especially talking software, will gladly be accepted and added to the
collection so others may download them.

----- Original Message -----
From: "GUI Access" <guiaccess at covad.net>
To: "Blind Apple Discussions" <blindapple at jaybird.no-ip.info>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Blindapple] introduction

> What else differed?  I really want to know, and no I don't ever
> recall seeing this info on this list but it may have been posted
> before I subscribed.
> Those of us with Real A2s could of course make the disks and use them
> so its not a total lost cause.
> I'd rather you not sell off your A2 stuff at least until you've
> salvaged this stuff.  It'd be nice to have a quasi-permanent home for
> all this old talking A2 stuff.  I'd certainly contribute what I have
> since its quite a lot.
> The 'Talking Disk' I have has a version of Textalker that is older
> than dirt on it.  The 'Talking Riddles' disk has a slightly newer
> version of Textalker so its very possible that they updated the
> 'Talking Disk' and fixed other problems as well.  Again, I'd love to
> know what they changed.
> On yet another note, its amazing how many different versions of DOS
> Textalker there were.  I once gave a lot of time to trying to catalog
> all the different versions but gave up.
> I did manage to put together a ProDOS 8 disk with all the ProDOS
> versions on it but there were too many different DOS 3.3 versions.  I
> think there were even multiple versions which shared the same version
> number, thus making it virtually impossible to categorize them.  I
> guess there were some versions that loaded into the Language Card
> area, some that loaded into the lower 48 KB, etc.  As I said, never
> figured it out.
> Then there was the Echo program that shipped with the Echo+.  It was
> not Textalker but rather a program that used BASIC's & vector to add
> commands for speaking.  I.e.
> &talk "Hello"
> &say "Hello"
> &play "C4/4"
> GUI Access
> >Hi.  No, I don't mean this.  I meant exactly what I said.  I have at
> >least two different versions, maybe three.  One used a different
> >version of Textalker.  One seems to be the oldest and one seems to
> >have bug fixes.  Space Invaders is mostly unchanged between the
> >versions.  I listed the programs a long time ago, so I assure you
> >that they are different versions.  I know what I'm talking about.
> >If I ever get things out of storage, I don't mind mailing the disks.
> >The thing is that getting them is next to impossible and probably
> >won't happen any time soon.  In retrospect, I should have just sold
> >all my Apple stuff a few years ago.  Also, you realize that even if
> >I sent Jayson the disks and imaging was possible you wouldn't be
> >able to use it, right?  A2 doesn't support sound, and there is no
> >way to emulate an Echo.  You could look at the files but that's
> >about it.  I suppose you could port something to GW-BASIC but that
> >wouldn't help with the Echo.  I don't know, maybe I'll get back to
> >that stuff one of these days.
> >
> >At 07:33 PM 7/27/2005 -0400, you wrote:
> >>I only know of the one version.  He probably means he's got a few copies
> >>the disk.  It's too bad they are in storage and not easily accessible.
> >>could image some of the disks for him, but he'd have to mail them to me,
> >>with items like this, insurance against loss or damage is pretty much
> >>useless since if they get lost/damaged in the mail, all the money in the
> >>world couldn't replace some of these disks.
> >>Jayson.
> >
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