[DECtalk] Dectalk, Windows, NVDA addon, Linux, Android setups?

David Mehler dave.mehler at gmail.com
Sat Dec 2 13:31:44 EST 2023


I found this list address  via a google search on Dectalk compilation.

I've heard about the dectalk github source at:
github.com/dectalk/dectalk my original intent ws to assist if possible
in getting it to compile/be packaged for an Android phone/OS setup. In
doing I got it compiled on my Rpi 4 not sure if that's note worthy but
there it is, and I found an NVDA folder. I was wanting as a side
project to try to get an nvda addon going.

So I'm wondering the current status, Windows compile, NVDA addon,
Android and/or Arm64 compile and Linux?

I read in my google searches about a discord server, I can not get
signed up for discord it's not allowing me on windows to punch in my
date last time I tried about 8 months back.

Any help appreciated.

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