[DECtalk] decTalk on IOS with TestFlite beta app?

Don Text_to_Speech at GMX.com
Tue Nov 15 20:43:35 EST 2022

On 11/15/2022 6:04 PM, Josh Kennedy wrote:
> I just wouldn't worry about it really.

I wouldn't worry about *DECtalk*!  Invest your time (and feedback)
in a technology that folks are still developing.  So you can
benefit from those new developments instead of trying to keep
holding onto something "long past its prime".

*My* users can opt to have my device speak back to them in
their voice (!) -- because it listens to everything they say
as well as how they say it!

So, it is constantly building and revising its models of their
voice (to help it better understand their "commands" as well
as to better *impersonate* them -- if they so desire).  this
eliminates the need for the user to "train" the synthesizer
to their voice.

Had I chosen formant synthesis for my primary synthesizer,
I'd never be able to offer that "feature" to them!

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