[Blindapple] old Raised Dot Computing newsletters

Blake Roberts BEarlRoberts at aol.com
Thu Aug 12 08:57:29 EDT 2021


Several hours ago, someone else on this list found one of Raised Dot 
Computing's newsletters via a Google search. After removing the 
newsletter number from the URL, I found David Holladay's personal home 
page and subsequently his link to old Raised Dot Computing newsletter 


David's page above states in part: "These Newsletters are copyrighted, 
but the copyright holders would like these materials to see the widest 
possible audience."

As someone who is interested in old stuff like the Aple II, I want to 
ensure this list is aware of these newsletters made available online 
courtesy of Mr. Holladay. Sounds like there is some interesting articles 
here, including one newsletter which was "never mailed". Enjoy!


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