[Blindapple] Apple Talk Reader?

JM Casey crystallogic at ca.inter.net
Fri Oct 20 14:02:05 EDT 2017

Thanks for the tips. I’m definitely going to try this programme again. Perhaps I just wasn’t patient enough last time, but no text files started reading, automatically or by any other means. We shall see!




From: BlindApple [mailto:blindapple-bounces at bluegrasspals.com] On Behalf Of tony at baechler.net
Sent: October 20, 2017 5:58 AM
To: Blind Apple Discussions
Subject: Re: [Blindapple] Apple Talk Reader?


I just want to say that this is the best text file reader for the Apple II in my opinion. The Echo Textalker disk comes with a text file reader which is OK but not great. What I do, as I posted earlier, is put the Menu Reader disk in drive 1 and the disk of text files I want to read in drive 2. I boot the DOSMenu disk. Unfortunately, a minor complaint I have is it doesn't work with ProntoDOS. If you try it, it appears to work but either files are never loaded (you wait forever and never hear the file read) or what it reads is corrupted. That means only normal, slow DOS 3.3 works reliably. A workaround for this is to press Scroll-Lock, F10, and F10 again as soon as the article starts. Press Scroll-Lock again to go back to the emulated keyboard. Articles load much faster that way. Another trick is to speed up the disk drive motor. I don't remember the poke offhand but it's in one of the magazine issues. I haven't tried other fast DOS operating systems. I've only done limited ProDOS experimentation. Thanks for an excellent reader, well worth the purchase price at the time.



On 2017-10-19 17:01, Jeff Weiss wrote:

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