[Blindapple] good!

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Tue Jul 25 21:35:53 EDT 2017


I echo Blake's statement. Thanks so much for making these old treasures 
available. I've heard too many stories of people saying, "I had a ton of 
old Apple software until I moved X number of years ago and threw all my 
old Apple stuff out" or "Last time I saw that stuff was when I moved 
out, I have no idea if my parents still have it" or similar things.

I didn't read Apple Talk as a kid because I never knew about it. I read 
volumes 7 and 8 of BAUD, then produced by MicroTalk, and our family 
produced the final two issues of BAUD. In the Talking Apple Dropbox 
folder we have volume 7, numbers 1 through 3, and all of volume 8.

On a related subject, Jeff, feel free to send more disk images whenever 
you like. This mailing list is configured to accept messages up to 1MB 
in size without question, and even if a message is too big, it just gets 
held and I can manually accept it when I see it. Also, disk images tend 
to compress pretty well using zip, so you could get a lot in that megabyte.


On 7/25/2017 7:37 PM, Jeff Weiss wrote:
> I’m glad you all were able to unzip the disks.
> I’ve got a lot more—which I guess I’ll send out at about 4 or 5 at a time.
> Jeff Weiss
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