[Blindapple] Simple accessible GUI

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Fri Jul 21 11:55:07 EDT 2017


Yes, I think a GUI frontend would be very useful. I'd have written one 
myself, except that I don't know much about programming Windows GUI 
applications. I think someone once wrote a launcher program in BGT 
(Blastbay Game Toolkit) but the standard Windows file open dialog would 
be better. What I really wish for would be a way to accessibly switch 
disks without having to mess with save states. I know someone was 
working on some MESS/MAME web server code, and I'm not sure if that 
would be able to switch images.


On 7/21/2017 11:35 AM, Tony Baechler wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a few things to mention and wanted opinions of the group. I'm 
> sorry I've been absent for weeks at a time. I've had a lot going on. I 
> doubt if I'll have a lot of time soon, so be patient if my replies 
> take a while. This is the first of a few messages to keep things more 
> organized.
> I'm working on a simple accessible GUI for the emulator, either MESS 
> or MAME. I'm mostly writing it for myself, but it might help others. 
> The problem I have is that most disks have very long filenames and are 
> a pain to type, even with a batch file and tab completion. My thought 
> is to use the standard Windows file dialog to let you pick which disk 
> goes in which drive. Obviously, it's Windows only for now. If nothing 
> else, it saves typing. I also hope to let you pick what saved state 
> you want. I have two problems. First, what should I call it? I'm 
> looking for name suggestions. Second, I'll need testers, but not for a 
> while. I'll post here when I have something that works. Is there 
> already an accessible GUI out there?
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