[Blindapple] Speech Utilities Disk, revision 2 is ready

Blake Roberts beroberts at hughes.net
Sat Jul 15 14:33:02 EDT 2017

I like your intro program, number 3 on the menu. I suggest that after the
intro is done, the user should press a key to return to menu. That way I can
use the Textalker review commands to read lines of the intro screen at my
leisure such as the commands to create the phonetic mode demo.




From: BlindApple [mailto:blindapple-bounces at bluegrasspals.com] On Behalf Of
Brandon Cross
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2017 2:14 PM
To: Blind Apple Discussions
Subject: Re: [Blindapple] Speech Utilities Disk, revision 2 is ready


I can do that, though I don't think the apple is the best medium of reading
that information, did you check out the intro program, #3 on the menu, and
hear the little demo oat the end of it?  If I did have a file that listed
out the phonemes, some of them are shifted number keys, so you'd want
punctuation on most to review that.


On Sat, Jul 15, 2017 at 1:28 PM, Jeff Weiss <jeff-weiss at sbcglobal.net>

Hi Brandon and list,

I like the new edition much better.  The menu  is very nice.


One suggestion I would like to see in a future release would be a text file
containing the phoneme chart and just a little information about how to use
them.  I don't know how long this list would be or if you have it on disk or
just in print, but it would make a nice edition to your disk.


Jeff Weiss





From: Brandon <mailto:bcross3286 at gmail.com>  Cross 

Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 10:41 PM

To: Blind Apple Discussions <mailto:blindapple at bluegrasspals.com>  

Subject: [Blindapple] Speech Utilities Disk, revision 2 is ready


So the disk that I released that had the two programs is now in revision
two. There is now a menu, and all programs when they terminate will call the
menu again. The same two programs are there, but they now have a bit of
intraductary text at runtime. There is a 3rd intro option, which launches a
new program on the disk, and gives a bit of info about the other programs.
At the end of this, you'll find a phoneme demo, of what can be done using
the phoneme mode of the Echo. 


Todo list

1. have each program forgo the startup text after you've run it at least
once per boot of the machine

2. add a copy utility to the disk

3. perhaps add a lightweight word processor, if there is sufficient space.

4. Add a program that recalls phonemes from a texdt tile and reads them line
by line.


User feedback welcome, let me know what else I should do. I'll give it my
best shot, I'm not a coder really, and I'm surprised this is working to be
quite frank about it.


The link is https://www.dropbox.com/s/


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