[Blindapple] aTalkLibraryGames

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Sat Aug 5 16:15:57 EDT 2017


Thanks for these, there's lots of stuff I didn't have. I have no idea 
why, but at least in my copy of the zip, games4.dsk is completely 
corrupted. It's a 143360-byte file, just like a disk image should be, 
but every byte is an ASCII 255, which means there's nothing meaningful 

Hope this helps,


On 8/5/2017 3:24 PM, Jeff Weiss wrote:
> Attached is a zip file of all of the 13 games disks in the aTalk Library which is called
> aTalkLibraryGames.zip
> These are all dos 3.3 disks with speech.
> Here is my suggestion about how to launch these disks—of course you could launch these disks many other ways, but I find this to be convenient:
> First, in your
> c:\messapple-win folder, create a folder called
> aTalkLibrary
> and place the 13 games disks in this folder.  There will be many more disks coming in the future.
> Here are the listings for two batch files to place in the main
> C:\messapple-win folder.
> First is aTl.bat
> @echo off
> mess apple2ee -flop1 aTalkLibrary\%1.dsk
> This would allow  the launching of one disk such as games1 by typing:
> aTl games1
> If you wanted two disks to be launched from the same folder, the first in drive 1 and the second in drive 2, you could use  the batch file called
> aTl2.bat
> @echo off
> mess apple2ee -flop1 aTalkLibrary\%1.dsk -flop2 aTalkLibrary\%2.dsk
> This could be used to launch two disks from the aTalkLibrary folder.
> If you wanted to launch the Games1 disk and the Games2 disk, you could type:
> aTl2 Games1 Games2
> I hope you enjoy these disks.
> Jeff Weiss
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