[Blindapple] kidnapped info

Tony Baechler tony at baechler.net
Thu Oct 22 05:30:54 EDT 2015

Yes, the link works.  It's a huge file, so that's probably why it crashes. 
The garbage is due to the OCR process.  If you scroll down, it hopefully 
becomes more readable.  Try saving or downloading the file instead.  It 
should open in almost any text viewer.

On 10/21/2015 7:12 AM, joseph weakland wrote:
> tried to acces link shown and it causes jaws to crash and no actual txt is
> desplayed just formatting jibberish etc.
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Tony Baechler" <tony at baechler.net>
> To: "Blind Apple Discussions" <blindapple at bluegrasspals.com>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 4:37 AM
> Subject: Re: [Blindapple] kidnapped info
>> Hmm, it's interesting that you mention this.  I have been thinking about
>> that very game.  If anyone cares, here is the full text of the magazine
>> where it seems to have first appeared:
>> https://archive.org/stream/softside-magazine-27/SoftSide_27_Vol_3-03_1980-12_Kidnapped_djvu.txt
>> Make sure the above link is all on one line.  I'm not personally
>> interested in an audio demo, but a walkthrough or at least a set of
>> detailed hints would be nice.  I never got past the 8th floor.  I had a
>> crazy notion of porting it to Eamon and maybe adding to it, but I'm still
>> thinking about it.
>> On 10/20/2015 6:52 PM, joseph weakland wrote:
>>> just for your info last night i played the kidnapped game to see how my
>>> memory was at remembering how to escape from the building all 9 floors and i
>>> managed to do it with a short time. If anyone wants me to do a audio demo
>>> i'll be happy to do that and upload as attachment if not to big.
>>> bhave a good one.
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>> --------------------
>> Tony Baechler, founder, Baechler Access Technology Services
>> Putting accessibility at the forefront of technology
>> mailto:bats at batsupport.com
>> Phone: 1-619-746-8310   Fax: 1-619-449-9898
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> BlindApple mailing list
> BlindApple at bluegrasspals.com
> http://jaybird.no-ip.info/mailman/listinfo/blindapple

Tony Baechler, founder, Baechler Access Technology Services
Putting accessibility at the forefront of technology
mailto:bats at batsupport.com
Phone: 1-619-746-8310   Fax: 1-619-449-9898

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