[Blindapple] Apple BBS

Tony Baechler tony at baechler.net
Fri Jul 29 02:42:43 EDT 2005

Hi.  I will look at that emulator again, but I think it requires X11 or a 
similar Windows environment.  That defeats the purpose of what I'm trying 
to do with the BBS.  That could be a possibility for simulating an Echo 
though, depending on how one could route the slots to serial ports.  It 
would be wonderful to have a speech friendly IIgs emulator.  I think this 
is rather unlikely though.  Since it is on SF, maybe those programmers 
would work on such functionality.  Unfortunately sighted help is hard for 
me to come by.  It is an interesting idea though and I will certainly look 
into it.

At 01:30 PM 7/29/2005 +1000, you wrote:
>Kegs, available from http://kegs.sourceforge.net,
>is an Apple //gs emulator, which has virtual com port support.
>With that, you can run one of the old apple bbs packages,
>and have tcp ports associated with serial lines, so when someone telnet's 
>to the bbs, kegs handles translating that to something the 2gs sees as serial.
>Unfortunately, Kegs itself isn't speech friendly, but with a little 
>initial sighted assistance,
>you could get to a stage where you could remotely administer the board.

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