[Blindapple] Apple BBS

Jayson Smith ratguy at bellsouth.net
Thu Jul 28 23:11:07 EDT 2005

Were you thinking of a BBS software package actually running on an emulated
Apple?  If so, I don't know how that would work.  Each time somebody
connected, A2 would have to be run.  That would mean the BBS would have to
be prepared to deal with an incoming connection at the console immediately
upon bootup.  Also, no multi-line functionality would be possible, as each
user would be connecting into his own emulated Apple.  Not to mention
problems with file locking and file use between each emulated Apple.
If you're talking about a system whereby people can connect and run various
programs via A2, that could work.  Somebody would have to write a program to
deal with people connecting, let them choose what they want to run, and then
run A2 to run the actual program.  A2 would have to be secured.  All disks
available over the system would have to be write protected to prevent
accidental or intentional damage or destruction, and probably some features
like shelling out would have to be disabled from A2.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tony Baechler" <tony at baechler.net>
To: <blindapple at jaybird.no-ip.info>
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2005 5:15 AM
Subject: [Blindapple] Apple BBS

> Hi all.  I just remembered something and had a bit of a brainstorm, so I
> thought I would ask.  Would anyone be interested in connecting to an Apple
> II BBS?  It would be emulated of course.  I'm not sure how practical it
> would be or if it would even work since A2 doesn't make itself easily
> available for telnet.  It would not be a dial-up system.  It would be
> private, restricted only to people on this list.  I don't have the
> bandwidth or desire to open it to the public.  Is there any interest?  No
> guarantees if this would really happen or not, but if there is interest, I
> would try just for the fun of it.
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