[Blindapple] Domain name for the Blindapple site and list?

Tony Baechler tony at baechler.net
Tue Aug 9 01:41:50 EDT 2005

Hi Ed.  There are a couple problems here.  First, Appletalk is a network 
protocol already.  Those names might be available but I don't recommend 
them since it would cause confusion.  Second, I am opposed to the guide dog 
comparisons because I personally don't use one and I don't want people to 
think that one is required to enjoy the site.  This is about a computer, 
not an animal.  It isn't necessarily a tool since much discussion here has 
been about games.  Finally, remember there might be deaf-blind users.  For 
them, a talking computer does no good.  I know that the VersaBraille could 
hook up to the Apple and provide at least a minimal Braille 
display.  Therefore I think something that says both blind and Apple is 
best.  I think maybe blind-apple.org, blindapple2.org, or similar might be 
best, but something along that line is what I had in mind.  Finally, I 
agree with you on search engines.  It would be a good idea to include meta 
information on each page.  Google will pick up the new domain on its own 
though so that isn't critical.  It already indexes jaybird.no-ip.info.

At 07:23 AM 8/8/2005 -0500, you wrote:
>Jayson Smith wrote:
> > Does anybody have any suggestions for better domain names?
>What about servicedog.net...  Or some other visually impaired utility 
>maybe tweaked to represent computer technology.  We are talking about 
>using the Apple II as a service dog of sorts.  (I mean if dogs could read, 
>we wouldn't necessarily need the apple computers and text mode.
>Further examples escape me as I have other matters on my mind that I 
>should be attending to...  Maybe later I can come up with a better one or two.
>One more thought, instead of "blindapples" mailing list, consider an 
>alternate name such as the above examples unless you believe it would make 
>it harder to locate the resources.  Make sure to place a enough keywords 
>in the meta tags to ensure the search engines pick up the gist of the 
>site, regardless of the name you choose.
>BlindApple mailing list
>BlindApple at jaybird.no-ip.info

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