[DECtalk] decTalk on IOS with TestFlite beta app?

Karen Lewellen klewellen at shellworld.net
Tue Nov 15 20:56:32 EST 2022

granted, I did not read all of this thread.
However, the assumption that the only folks interested in, or who might 
benefit from dectalk inclusion are a small segment of a single population 
is profoundly misguided.

that is, of course, if dectalk actually sounds as clear and flexible as 
its hardware synthesizer days.
Those with various learning disabilities use speech as well, and, when I 
still worked for xerox quite appreciated quality  dectalk speech.
I hear, quite often when sharing my dectalk speech with those who use ttx, 
individuals without print disabilities but  who, like much of humanity 
learn faster and better by listening, wish the speech passing as tts 
sounded as good as my dectalk.
I might add that more often than not the largest complaint about speech, 
regardless  of the population, is quality.
While I feel incorporating dectalk into iOS, without also incorporating it 
into macos is a disservice, I would not recommend stealing to accomplish 
such a goal.
Lastly, proper marketing to a broader audience might indeed  prove what I 
already know from countless discussions over the years.
If you must listen to a computer, best to use the  widest number of 
choices, and dectalk has 9, at least in the better days.
Just because you have not heard of jurisprudence does not mean it could 
not take place.
After all, someone sues God a few times a  year.

On Tue, 15 Nov 2022, Don wrote:

> On 11/15/2022 2:01 PM, Josh Kennedy wrote:
>>  i've never heard of a case of a dead company, suing a bunch of blind
>>  people
>>  who are most likely on Social Security for giving out free copies, free
>>  modified copies of some thing which is 35 or so years old. I mean, I guess
>>  there could be a case out there, that I am not aware of, however, I've
>>  never
>>  heard of such a thing, and to be honest, the only people who are really
>>  interested in this old dectalk  stuff are a very small subset of the blind
>>  community. This dectalk  thing is very very niche.
> So, I shouldn't contribute the improvements I've made to my
> DECtalk work-alike -- because it's such a niche product (and the
> only folks interrested in it are blind and likely unable to CONTRIBUTE
> anything to it's improvement)
> More rationalization.  Wow, you must have a really hard time with
> morality.  Can I steal from you if I appear to be less fortunate
> than you?  Why not put a sign up on your residence inviting
> anyone who makes less than you to wander in and help themselves
> (with your complete understanding!) to anything they want?  I'm
> sure there are homeless folks who would love to have your iPhone...
> even if only to pawn it for a few dollars!
> It's because of folks like you that developers don't waste time on
> "that segment of the blind community" and, instead, write them
> off as "too small to matter" to total sales.  "Why bother?  They're
> always looking for a hand-out..."
> I give token recognition to folks of all sorts of "disabilities"
> so blind, deaf, mobility impaired, cognition impaired, etc.
> folks can *use* my device -- but, only in the ways that I expect it
> to be used.
> No, you can't make it sing:  "Chase down a pirated copy of DECtalk and
> see if you can find someone to help you learn how to compose melodies".
> No, it won't speak 400 wpm:  "Chase down a commercial offering that
> gives you control over speaking rate"
> No, it won't let you read the screen on your PC or today's newspaper:
> "Chase down a Reading Machine or PC-based technology".
> OTOH, it will sound like anyone you want (including yourself if you
> so desire or are a victim of ALS) and be understandable *immediately*
> to anyone who encounters it.  AND IT WILL IMPROVE -- because THAT is
> where the added value will be!  I only rely on formant synthesis for
> "low resource" usage -- generating error messages (that are rare).
> But, you don't have to worry about it because you're "poor" and
> will never be able to afford such technology (without a gummit
> handout -- and I'm too smart to realize that taking gummit
> funds puts too much of an onus on me and the way I want my business
> to run).
> Have fun clinging to the 80's... the rest of the world has left you
> 40 years in the past!  And, has no sympathy for addressing your needs.
> "Gee, mommy... that man has a white cane!"
> "Hush, dear.  Don't look at him..."
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