[DECtalk] New synthesizer Gnuspeech

Alex H. linuxx64.bashsh at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 04:21:21 EDT 2015

> I hope this can be made into an NVDA addon please, I really like its
> quality for some reason.

I don't at this stage, it sounds like Keynote Gold mixed with orpheus
and a lot of missing teeth and drunken inflection.

Carlos, any idea when NVSpeechPlayer can sound like a true English
speaker? I hate seeing forks and small projects get "just good enough"
and then left to rot even though they're open source and nobody wants
to pick up the ball (or like me can't code worth a cat's whisker).

If Gnuspeech were properly developed, it would be another option free
option, and depending on i18/languages, could be really powerful for
those looking for a TTS that speaks something other than English.
Alas, dreams and fantasies probably.

Have a good weekend!

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