[DECtalk] How many of you are familiar with the Talking IRC Inside Jokes

Tyler Zahnke programmer651 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 18:29:33 EDT 2015

I've been there. That's what I'm trying to say.
Tyler Z

On 10/13/15, Ulysses Garcia via Dectalk <dectalk at bluegrasspals.com> wrote:
> You can see for yourself by heading over to http://www.talkingIRC.net/
> On 13/10/2015 15:25, Mohamed via Dectalk wrote:
>> Is talking IRC still around today?
>> On 10/13/15 06:19 PM, Tyler Zahnke via Dectalk wrote:
>>> Funny stuff! I always liked that weird geek culture that forums,
>>> chatrooms and gaming sites tend to have. The blind will have a hard
>>> time appreciating 4chan because it's an imageboard; all the main
>>> threads are pictures. But these IRC channels? Totally accessible.
>>> Tyler Z
>>> On 10/13/15, jake mcmahan via Dectalk <dectalk at bluegrasspals.com> wrote:
>>>> Ok.  I am here to tell you, that talking IRC was a community of
>>>> foolishness.  I used to venture onto it all the time when I was a young
>>>> boy, and let me tell you, it was one rough and tough experience.  BOFH,
>>>> leet, tards, all of that stuff.  Also, if flint, ace, mo, or jerry got
>>>> annoyed with someone, they would make a nasty dectalk song about them.
>>>> Chad and skyte were two classic examples. Never been on there since.
>>>> On 10/13/2015 4:52 PM, Nick Giannak via Dectalk wrote:
>>>>> Tyler,
>>>>>      I was very much an outsider by choice to the Talkingirc
>>>>> culture. I
>>>>> went on a couple of times and found myself annoyed at the overall
>>>>> insider culture, found it unwelcoming, etc. To be fair, however, I
>>>>> myself did a lot of this in the communities I ran at the time. In
>>>>> summation, we were all foolish youngsters.
>>>>>      The guy who programmed all synth material was Flint Million, who
>>>>> also wrote the BOFHNet IRC and Freedom Chat clients at the time. The
>>>>> networks associated with all clients BOFH, FC, TIRC, all merged
>>>>> together around 2004. I know this because he himself still takes
>>>>> responsibility for much of this by maintaining his classic website, as
>>>>> well as a revised version. Both can be found here.
>>>>> http://www.themillionweb.net/
>>>>>      Cutiecat appears to be one Rachael Spangler. I know this only
>>>>> because a friend of mine referred to Rachael by that name, but I have
>>>>> never brought it up to her in conversation. Frankly, I have little to
>>>>> talk about with her from that time, in my limited attempts at visiting
>>>>> that network, I never, ever, ever ran into her.
>>>>>      BOFH, of course, doesn't refer to the person by that name from
>>>>> the
>>>>> skits. His real name escapes me, but I know that cancer took his life
>>>>> around the same time as all of this was going down.
>>>>>      Everyone else? Honestly, I don't know. I have a good idea who Mo
>>>>> was (mohaned sayegh), but that's really it. I hope this clears a few
>>>>> things up.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Nick
>>>>> On 10/13/2015 5:58 AM, Tyler Zahnke via Dectalk wrote:
>>>>>> I remember, several years ago, when the DECtalk Archive was a public
>>>>>> website, the Miscellaneous folder had all these little odds and ends,
>>>>>> and some of them were just totally off the wall, including a song
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> says "CutieCat is leet". The Vocalwriter section had a parody of the
>>>>>> Beach Boys song "Fun Fun Fun" about the BOFH (which stands for
>>>>>> something I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say on this list). Now, I
>>>>>> kind of knew about the BOFH stories as they were originally written,
>>>>>> and I knew about LOLcats and other silly cat pictures, but not
>>>>>> CutieCat, and I knew about people calling things leet (or l33t, or
>>>>>> 1337) and I knew about n00bs, probably because I felt like one. But I
>>>>>> didn't really understand what context these particular bits were in.
>>>>>> But today I discovered the Talking IRC site, which includes files of
>>>>>> synthesizers using leet language, including the CutieCat song and the
>>>>>> BOFH song. Were any of you mailing list members familiar with this
>>>>>> Talking IRC culture? Someone who was good with making DECtalk sing
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> picking on people for not being leet, and it almost always used the
>>>>>> same format; "He sucks, he sucks, he suuuuuuuuuucks". Who were these
>>>>>> users getting picked on? I'm guessing they were part of the
>>>>>> #talkingirc channel. They must have been some rather annoying
>>>>>> users to
>>>>>> get that treatment. How many of you were part of this, or were at
>>>>>> least familiar with this? And who was the DECtalk programmer telling
>>>>>> people they were leet or not leet (more often not leet) using songs?
>>>>>> Tyler Z
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