[Blindapple] An Initial Mame package for the Mac

Darcy Burnard dhsdarcy at gmail.com
Thu Nov 21 17:50:34 EST 2024

Hi everyone.  So since my last message, I’ve had more success getting Mame going on the Mac.  I now don’t get any errors on startup, I’m able to quit the emulator, and I have the disk drive noises.  
I’ve packaged up what I’ve got if anyone wants it.  Note that this doesn’t contain mame itself, you need to install the Homebrew version for it to work.  Also, the folder doesn’t contain any of the support folders like plugins and samples.  What I have instead are symlinks to the Homebrew folders.  You will have to change these if you’re working on an Intel Mac, as Homebrew puts its stuff in different places.

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