[Blindapple] Preliminary Success with Mame on the Mac

John Isige gwynn at tds.net
Mon Nov 18 12:14:21 EST 2024

I missed part of this conversation, but first, thanks to the person who mentioned .ini files. I was going to delete them and run the option to recreate them, but they weren’t there. Turns out I’d pasted them into the home directory, not the Mame directory. So now I have a working emulator, although it does give a command-line error I didn’t catch. But it runs fine anyway, yay!

Quick question though, how do you get out of it and/or switch disks? Readme says fn-delete, but if I hit that, the emulator just says delete. I was trying fn-delete and then escape to power off the emulator. Right now if I try to bring up force quit, it kills the emulator on its own and puts me back in the shell, which is cool, but there has to be a better way to power it off. Also I’m going to need to switch disks if I’m playing Eamon.

Unless all of Eamon is on the hard disk? I didn’t set that up because I’ve never messed with an Apple II E with a hard disk, so I have no idea what commands you’d use or anything like that. So I just started with -flop1 to load a floppy. If there’s something better/easier, I’d love to hear about it. Thanks for all the help so far!

> On Nov 18, 2024, at 1:18 AM, Jayson Smith via BlindApple <blindapple at bluegrasspals.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm pasting the keyboard assignments, courtesy of the experimental MAME patch that makes the UI accessible with NVDA. That hasn't been updated in a few months and is very experimental. I'm also attaching a text file which is an OCR of the manual for the baseball game. Hope this helps.
> Jayson
> --------------------
> P1 0 / Swing Kbd 0 or Kbd Alt
> P1 1 / Bunt Kbd 1 or Kbd W
> P1 2 Kbd 2 or Kbd E
> P1 3 / Power Kbd 3 or Kbd R
> P1 4 Kbd 4 or Kbd S
> P1 5 / Squeeze Kbd 5 or Kbd D
> P1 6 Kbd 6 or Kbd F
> P1 7 / Steal Kbd 7 or Kbd X
> P1 8 Kbd 8 or Kbd C
> P1 9 / Extra Base Kbd 9 or Kbd V
> P1 No / Cancel Kbd Backspace
> P1 Pinch Hitter Kbd Q
> P1 Pinch Runner Kbd Z
> P1 Score Kbd A
> P1 Time Out Kbd -
> P1 Yes / Enter Kbd Enter
> P2 0 / Ball Kbd Num 0 or Kbd Right Alt
> P2 1 / Fast Kbd Num 1 or Kbd U
> P2 2 / Curve Kbd Num 2 or Kbd I
> P2 3 / Change Kbd Num 3 or Kbd O
> P2 4 / Pitchout Kbd Num 4 or Kbd J
> P2 5 / Pickoff Kbd Num 5 or Kbd K
> P2 6 / Intentional Walk Kbd Num 6 or Kbd L
> P2 7 / Relief Kbd Num 7 or Kbd M
> P2 8 Kbd Num 8 or Kbd ,
> P2 9 / Sub Kbd Num 9 or Kbd .
> P2 Infield In Kbd Y
> P2 Instant Replay Kbd N
> P2 No / Cancel Kbd Num Del
> P2 Score Kbd H
> P2 Time Out Kbd Num -
> P2 Yes / Enter Kbd Num Enter
> On 11/17/2024 8:54 PM, Joseph Norton via BlindApple wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I can shed some light on the Baseball game. I am not entirely sure of the keystrokes, but, I seem to remember using the Enter key and maybe the number keys.  Can't say for sure.
>> I have, gone into the OSD and set the switch that makes it play itself, but, that is not accessible and I've had a heck of a time getting it set.
>> In Windows, the disk sounds work.  Maybe you can try deleting the ini files and running mame with the dash c c option to get it to ccreate a new ini file.  Back up what you have, of course, in case this does not work.
>> Sorry I can't be more help.
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