[Blindapple] Fwd: CFFA3000 to be built and sold by ReActiveMicro.com!

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Tue Jun 22 00:07:25 EDT 2021

Thought this might interest some folks here. For those who don't know, 
the CFFA is a card that lets Apple II's use compact flash or USB thumb 
drives as storage devices.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	CFFA3000 to be built and sold by ReActiveMicro.com!
Date: 	Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:40:51 -0700
From: 	R&D Automation <rich at dreher.net>
To: 	jaybird at bluegrasspals.com

Hi Apple II Fans,

Sorry for the spam... but I suspect many of you may be interested to 
know that I have recently licensed ReActiveMicro.com to build the 
CFFA3000 for Apple II design. There is still a lot of demand for it, and 
I never found the time to build it any longer. When Henry of RM 
expressed interest, I decided to go ahead and license the design to him 

Although it is getting quite tricky to find some of the parts in this 
old design (eg. dual port SRAM), I understand that Henry has been able 
to build a batch of 250 units. He is still waiting for the new batch to 
arrive. Building of a prototype batch has been successful and I tested 
several of those boards myself.

If interested you can pre-order a unit here:

-Rich Dreher

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