[Blindapple] Manuals

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Fri Jul 2 12:18:28 EDT 2021


I'm attaching a ProDOS disk image which you should be able to open in 
CiderPress. It has manuals for at least somewhat modern versions of 
ProWords, ProTerm, and maybe even ProBraille. These are in TXT format, 
and use ProWords directives so they can be printed from within ProWords 
itself. At some point someone should probably use these manuals to write 
a program to convert these to something more modern, but for now, it's 
what we have.


On 7/2/2021 12:06 PM, Joseph Norton via BlindApple wrote:
> Hi listers:
> Anyone still have their manuals for ProWords/ProTerm?
> Thanks!
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for 
> Windows 10
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