[Blindapple] How to make ProDOS system programs talk

Kyle kyle at free2.ml
Wed Aug 11 22:34:28 EDT 2021

OK so it seems I've solved the mystery of at least the filer and convert 
utilities on the ProDOS User's disk I found. Raised Dot Computing has a 
rather interesting article on the subject in their March 1987 newsletter.


Of interest is

"Computer Aids Corp. of Fort Wayne, Indiana, has offered a free audio 
tape version of the ProDOS User's Manual as well as a talking version of 
the ProDOS User's Disk utilities. [Editor's note: Since Computer Aids is 
now including ProDOS utilities from within their programs (see FILE-TALK 
Review elsewhere in this issue) they are no longer distributing the tape 
and disk. JK] The American Printing House for the Blind has announced 
that they will soon be releasing a special version of this ProDOS User's 
Disk which was designed to be used with speech output. Another excellent 
tutorial on learning ProDOS is available from FlipTrack Learning Systems 
of Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Lastly, Microtalk of Louisville, Kentucky, 
provides good information on utilizing ProDOS in the documentation that 
accompanies their software. "

So it seems that in fact there is a specially designed version of this 
disk out there somewhere, and this may be the disk I had so many years 
ago. Other system programs may be able to be modified in a similar way, 
but that next article down indicates that it may not be so easy as 
simply modifying the fe89 and fe93 calls, although that does still seem 
like a good place to start.


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