[Blindapple] clearing out

Nick Wilcox nickwilcox_2000 at msn.com
Thu Oct 4 16:56:11 EDT 2018

The Apple stuff has been sold

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 3, 2018, at 7:17 PM, Jayson Smith <jaybird at bluegrasspals.com<mailto:jaybird at bluegrasspals.com>> wrote:


Could you give us a list of the types of software, hardware, etc? Do most disks talk? Have you imaged any of them? Our primary goal with a lot of this stuff is making archival copies of software, magazines, etc. before they disappear completely.



On 10/3/2018 7:26 PM, Nick Wilcox wrote:
I am clearing out all of my apple stuff.
Lots of disks textalkers echo hardware double talk and the like $350 including shipping and paypal fees. This box must way about 40 pounds or so.


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