[Blindapple] disks from apple talk

Jeff Weiss jeff-weiss at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 27 17:29:52 EDT 2017

Attached is a file called

This zip file contains 5 disks that were all taken from 
issues of Apple Talk.

AssemblyLanguage.dsk is a tutorial disk which contains 6 lengthy articles on the subject.
Basic.dsk is a collection of articles about programming in basic, and a program or two on the subject.
DosUtils09.dsk contains some utility programs from issues of Apple Talk including a Ram Disk program for Dos 3.3—and several other utilities.
Music12.dsk contains music programs taken from the various issues.  These music programs also appear on other library disks.
ProUtils10.dsk contains speech, and several ProDos utilities such as 
external commands for Type and Copy.
There is also a Format program that lets you format prodos disks without using filer.
There are several other things on the disk including several exec files to change the way the ProDos Cat command displays information on the screen.

These disks have also been placed in the appropriate dropbox folders.

I hope you enjoy these disks.

Jeff Weiss

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