[Blindapple] placing files in a disk image

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Tue Sep 19 12:53:29 EDT 2017


You should be able to open the disk image, then Action menu, Add Files. 
It'll prompt for the location. If it's a ProDOS volume I think you can 
choose the directory where the file goes, if DOS 3.3 there are no 
folders. Once you've hit OK on that if it comes up, a standard file open 
dialog will pop up. Select the file or files you want, and open them, 
and they'll be added to the disk. Then, for each file, you'll most 
likely need to go Actions, Edit Attributes, in order to change the file 
type. Text files, at least, under ProDOS get assigned a NON filetype, 
which needs to be changed to TXT.

Hope this helps,


On 9/19/2017 12:41 PM, Jeff Weiss wrote:
> Using CiderPress, I want to take some textfiles that are in windows and place them on a blank Apple Disk image.
> I can transfer files from one disk to another with no problem, but is there a way to take a regular textfile which can be read in windows, and possabily copy it to the clipboard, and paste it into an image file such as
> blank.dsk?
> If this can be done with CiderPress, please give me the steps.
> thanks
> Jeff Weiss
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