[Blindapple] Repost: The Raised Dot CD

Tom Brennan g_brennantg at TITAN.SFASU.EDU
Mon Sep 18 16:50:42 EDT 2017

Jason, I'm running a Mac and it won't let me unzip the files.  It tells me that
I don't have permission which usually means the read attribute has been set to
on somewhere.


Tom Brennan  KD5VIJ, CCC-A/SLP
web page http://titan.sfasu.edu/~g_brennantg/sonicpage.html

On Fri, 15 Sep 2017, Jayson Smith wrote:

> Hi all,
> Some of you who are newer to the list may not have seen this, so I'm
> posting it here again. This is a real treasure trove!
> Hi all,
> As some of you old timers may remember, back in 2004, I contacted David
> Holladay, requesting permission to distribute BEX 3.0 and Braille Edit
> 2.45 on
> my website. He gave me permission, and sent me a CD-ROM containing lots
> of material relating to BEX, Braille Edit, other Raised Dot products,
> etc. Unfortunately,
> this version of the CD also contained other material he didn't want
> distributed, so I was unable to make it available.
> Recently, I contacted David again, to ask a few questions about
> Textalker, BEX, etc. He indicated he had an updated CD-ROM he could send
> me, and I requested
> it. I just received permission to make this version available for download.
> So what's on the CD? Versions 2.1, 2.2, and 3.1 of BEX. Version 3.0
> seems to be missing. Lots of versions of Braille Edit. Several other
> Raised Dot products.
> Documentation for all this stuff. Source code for much of this stuff. A
> document giving some background on how BEX is programmed. All the Raised
> Dot newsletters.
> And, as they say, much, much more!
> To download this treasure trove, visit
> http://www.bluegrasspals.com/blindapple/rdccd.zip
> I would like to make clear, as David made clear to me, that all the
> Raised Dot material is still copyright by David Holladay, but he's given
> me permission
> to distribute it. The first disk of BEX source code contains the program
> to properly copy protect a BEX disk, and the programming documentation
> file describes
> how the copy protection works.
> Enjoy!
> Jayson
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