[Blindapple] two prodos folders

Jeff Weiss jeff-weiss at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 12 15:08:46 EDT 2017

Attached you will find
The two folders are named
ProDos Boot With Speech
ProDos No Speech
The no speech disks are 
ProFileCabinet—a dataBase
ProTextAdventures—several text adventure games

The ProDos Boot With Speech disks are:
ProBoot64K—allows speech to work on a 64K apple.  Rob Meredith wrote the Super.patch which allows this to happen—and with the emulator, you will see the the entire /ram disk is available  when you type 
cat /ram.


These two folders are also available through DropBox under
Talking Apple Archive
Jeff Weiss
Disk Library.

I’m still working on a few more things!
Jeff Weiss


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