[Blindapple] Announcing Simple Accessible GUI 0.1

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Sun Jul 30 15:17:24 EDT 2017


My personal experience is that I can't get it to work on Windows 7 X64 
SP1. I create the .ini file by telling it where mame.exe is located, but 
when I go to run the emulator, it asks me where mame.exe is again, I 
tell it, then nothing happens, the emulator never runs. Any thoughts?

Also, I'm going to have to upload this to my website and send your 
message again. Since it had a zip with an exe attached, Gmail and 
probably some other ISP's blocked it.

Hope this helps,


On 7/30/2017 2:07 PM, Tony Baechler wrote:
> See attached. What you have is called SAG, or Simple Accessible / 
> Apple GUI. It requires either MAME or MESS to be installed and 
> working. It's up to the user to make sure the ROMs are present. There 
> is currently no help file, but it should be obvious. I tried to make 
> it as bulletproof as possible, but it needs lots of testing, 
> especially on Windows other than XP. If you try to run the emulator 
> without setting up the INI file or selecting a disk for drive 1, 
> you're told about this and given the chance to do the setup. I tested 
> it several times and it worked fine for me. The only serious bug is it 
> doesn't delete the temporary batch file when it's done. If you find 
> other bugs, please let me know. To install, just unzip anywhere, like 
> d:\sag. Run sag.exe from Windows Explorer or create a desktop 
> shortcut. Have fun!
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