[Blindapple] Questions on Textalker GS and SCASM

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Sun Jul 30 15:04:57 EDT 2017


I attached the SC Macro Assembler and documentation to a message a few 
days ago. If you need it again, please let me know.

As for Textalker-GS, if you really want to try it, copy the .po image 
somewhere outside of the Dropbox folder, rename it to have a .dsk 
extension, and specify it as -flop3 with nothing in -flop1. The -flop3 
and -flop4 drives on the emulated IIgs are the 3.5 inch drives in slot 
5, drives 1 and 2.

The IIgs emulation in MESS/MAME is very buggy at best. In some instances 
the battery RAM doesn't work, the realtime clock doesn't work, 5.25 disk 
access is much slower than on real hardware, the Ensoniq synthesizer 
chip isn't properly emulated, and probably one or two other things I'm 
forgetting. Also, newer versions of Textalker-GS don't recognize the 
emulated Echo card.

Hope this helps,


On 7/30/2017 10:34 AM, Guillem León wrote:
> Hello,
> I read in a previous E-Mail that Jayson had uploaded the SC Macro Assembler with some instructions somewhere, but I am not sure where he was referring to. Could someone point me in the right direction? I used to have a copy of this software but I have no idea where I savd it and I cannot seem to be able to find the file.
> Also, regarding Textalker GS, where am i supposed to put the PO image? I tried loading it into flop1 of an Apple2GS system in Mame but it complained about the image not being valid. What am I doing wrong?
> Thank you.
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