[Blindapple] aTalk for 1987

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Fri Jul 28 17:07:45 EDT 2017


Invite sent. Thanks.


On 7/28/2017 5:01 PM, Guillem León wrote:
> Hi,
> Could I be added to this folder as well? I do have an Apple II folder in my Dropbox but it seems to be a different one (it does have the Mac MESS and has no periodicals folder).
> Thanks.
>> On 28 Jul 2017, at 04:59, Jayson Smith <jaybird at bluegrasspals.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Invite sent.
>> Thanks,
>> Jayson
>> On 7/27/2017 8:24 PM, Joe Quinn wrote:
>>> Could i be in that folder? Im definitely interested in collecting more disks
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Jul 27, 2017, at 6:55 PM, Jayson Smith <jaybird at bluegrasspals.com> <mailto:jaybird at bluegrasspals.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Attachment received. These disk images are going into the Talking Apple II Dropbox folder as I receive them. If you're in that folder, look under Periodicals/Apple Talk.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jayson
>>>>> On 7/27/2017 7:40 PM, Jeff Weiss wrote:
>>>>>      Attached is
>>>>> aTalk3.zip
>>>>> which contains the 1987 issues of aTalk. Just unzip the file, and add the 4 issues to your aTalk folder.
>>>>> Here is a brief description of what is in each issue.
>>>>>                  A-Talk #9, February, 1987
>>>>> Remove Speech--utility program
>>>>> CAT--utility program
>>>>> Password Modem Review--hardware review
>>>>> Error Handling--article
>>>>> Free Sectors--utility program
>>>>> Dos Util--utility program
>>>>> Math--game
>>>>> Great Escape--adventure game
>>>>>                    A-Talk #10, May, 1987
>>>>> Computerized Reference Library--article
>>>>> The Beagle Compiler--software review
>>>>> Laser 128 Review--hardware review
>>>>> Echo II b Review--hardware review
>>>>> Speak Up--comments from readers
>>>>> Prodos Peeks and Pokes--article
>>>>> Append all Text--utility program
>>>>> Amper.Int--utility program
>>>>> Planets Info--educational program
>>>>> Table of Elements--educational program
>>>>> Ram Disk--utility program
>>>>> Bingo--game
>>>>> Poker--game
>>>>> Number Guess--game
>>>>>                  A-Talk #11, August, 1987
>>>>> Dos and Files--article
>>>>> File Finder--utility program
>>>>> Local Computer Club--article
>>>>> Change Basic with Prodos--article
>>>>> Data.Init--exec program
>>>>> Prodos and Dos on the same disk--article
>>>>> Speak Up--comments from readers
>>>>> Math Decathlon--educational game
>>>>> Hangman--game
>>>>> Undelete--utility program
>>>>>                 A-Talk #12, November, 1987
>>>>> Prodos Commands--article
>>>>> Print All Text--utility program
>>>>> Using and Copying Disks--article
>>>>> Escape.Quit.Cat--prodos exec program
>>>>> Using the Quit Code--article
>>>>> A 3.5 Inch Disk Drive--hardware review
>>>>> Lunar Lander--game
>>>>> Twonky--game
>>>>> Song Generator--program to create music
>>>>> Shaving Cream--music
>>>>> Celeste Music--music
>>>>> Basic Commands and Errors--computer education program
>>>>> Enjoy,
>>>>> Jeff
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