[Blindapple] Disks won't talk

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Fri Jul 28 13:50:57 EDT 2017


The documentation says:

To start the emulator with a disk in drive 1, type the following at a 
command prompt, for example: ./mess64 apple2ee -flop1 disks/egames.dsk

While I've never run Mess on a Mac, I don't see why that shouldn't work, 
assuming you're in the directory where mess64 is located. Can you tell 
us what error message you're receiving?



On 7/28/2017 12:25 PM, Matthew Dierckens wrote:
> Hi there, When I get into terminal and into the folder for the  > emulator, how do i actually load a disk and start it up? I wasn't > 
able to even hear a beep. > > God bless. Matthew Dierckens Certified 
Assistive Technology > Specialist Macintosh, IOS  and Windows Trainer 
JAWS for windows > Certified - 2016 Canadian Phone: 519-962-9140 U.S. 
phone: > 573-401-1018 Personal Email: matt.dierckens at me.com > >> On Jul 
28, 2017, at 12:06, Joe Quinn <jdawg1983 at gmail.com> wrote: >> >> After 
redownloading the ness emulater for mac os x and copying the >> 
framework library into my library folder, again apparently, upon >> 
booting either the pizza disk, or the EGames disk, i get the >> starting 
beep, but nothing else. iget loading sounds, like >> rattling, but no 
speech. any ideas? thanks! >> 
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