[Blindapple] Cheeziest Adventure of a Lifetime
Jayson Smith
jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Wed Jul 19 15:55:02 EDT 2017
I can shed some light on the speech stopping when the game ends.
Whenever the game ends, if you don't Ctrl+C it by the time it actually
says, "End of game," it issues the PR#6 command, which is a very basic
way to reboot the system. This happens because the PR#X command
redirects output to a card in a specific slot or executes code from the
ROM on the card in that slot, and slot 6 is where the disk controller
card is. The ROM code on that card turns on the motor of drive 1, moves
the head to track 0, reads sector 0 of track 0, then jumps to the code
in the just read sector in order to continue the boot process.
On 7/18/2017 5:27 PM, Blake Roberts wrote:
> Hi all,
> A few weeks ago I found a text adventure Apple2 disk on Asimov called
> Cheeziest Adventure of a Lifetime. I managed to make the game speak by
> copying Textalker and replacing hello. When I tried copying Textalker load
> code into the unmodified disk's Hello program, the result was the disk
> entered an endless "ready" loop after the game partially loaded
> automatically. So I went back to my modified version with Hello replaced
> completely. The modified version which speaks most game text is attached. To
> start the game after the Apple boots, type:
> run game
> As I told Tony Baechler off-list, I found two points at which the game does
> not talk. A. When the game ends. Control-c usually fixes this problem. B.
> Mid-game you are asked if you want to call long-distance bulletin boards or
> sleep. The only fix I found for this problem was turning off the virtual
> apple. Most of the choices in-game do talk. If anyone i.e. Tony would like
> to try modifying the game code in an effort to fix these no-talking
> situations, feel free.
> Here is a link to the nontalking version if you need to see the original
> disk's Hello program.
> ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/images/games/adventure/CheeziestAdve
> ntureOfALifetime.dsk
> Blake
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