[Blindapple] odd pronounciation

Tom Brennan g_brennantg at TITAN.SFASU.EDU
Sat Jul 8 22:21:10 EDT 2017

Jeff, fish etc. are actually linguistic tricks to show problems with english.
The Echo just says them the way it does because of its lookup table.  Actually,
you can also do some interesting things with some other languages.  The phoneme
gemeration aspect of the echo is also kinda fun to play with.


Tom Brennan  KD5VIJ, CCC-A/SLP
web page http://titan.sfasu.edu/~g_brennantg/sonicpage.html

On Sat, 8 Jul 2017, Jeff Weiss wrote:

> Here’s a little bit of old trivia about the Echo.
> I am going to space some letters out—but if they were together, how do you think the echo would say them?
> g h o t i
> The pc says them different than the echo!!
> Jeff Weiss

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