[Blindapple] My disk is ready for release

Brandon Cross bcross3286 at gmail.com
Fri Jul 7 22:13:06 EDT 2017

It does that because its how I programmed it. I can take that out though. I
don't know what to do to let you know its loaded, except just cut to the
prompt.  I got them from the echo manual which I was able to find online.

On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 10:02 PM, Blake Roberts <beroberts at hughes.net> wrote:

> Brandon,
> I find your useful.dsk interesting. I had heard of but never used the
> Echo2 phoneem  mode. I entered some random letters without knowing what I
> was doing and still managed to make a couple of words. If you could find
> and include a text file of recognized phoneems in a future disk revision, I
> would find that helpful. One question. Why does the Apple beep 4 times in
> succession before the Echo says "ready"? I'm guessing it might have been
> because of the saving state problem you experienced earlier today. I'm just
> wondering about the multiple beeps.
> Blake
> ------------------------------
> *From:* BlindApple [mailto:blindapple-bounces at bluegrasspals.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Brandon Cross
> *Sent:* Friday, July 07, 2017 6:38 PM
> *To:* Blind Apple Discussions
> *Subject:* [Blindapple] My disk is ready for release
> IN previous messages, I indicated that I was working on a disk that had
> two programs on it. One for speaking strings, and other for speaking
> phoneme sequences. I feel the disk is ready for release at least at this
> point.
> I do hope to improve, and of course I will share the revisions.
> The two programs on the disk are speaker and phmaker. They are both
> locked, simply to give myself a little extra protection so I don't save
> faulty programming on them.
> Anyway, let me know what you think. Oh, and here's the dropbox link in
> case some of you can't download the attachment for whatever reason, or just
> prefer this method better:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/
> csqq9lgsjgeb8on/useful.DSK?dl=1
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