[Blindapple] new member and reading archives

Byron Stephens bstephens122874 at shaw.ca
Mon Jul 3 17:47:56 EDT 2017

That magazine had so many games, and some of the earlier issues I was able 
to use textalker 1.3. Yes I know that's the older version, aside from the 
inability to type interupt I prefered 1.3 because of the speaking style.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jayson Smith" <jaybird at bluegrasspals.com>
To: "Blind Apple Discussions" <blindapple at bluegrasspals.com>
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2017 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Blindapple] new member and reading archives

> Hi,
> I would love, love, love to get my hands on images of software you have, 
> as you probably have some treasures. I hope this can happen somehow, 
> sometime.
> Thanks,
> Jayson
> On 7/3/2017 4:02 PM, Tom Brennan wrote:
>> Welcome to the list, Jeff.  I fondly remember the magazine and still have
>> several of its disks along with lots of programs that came from it. 
>> Still run
>> that stuff on my Apple and Laser computers.
>> Tom
>> Tom Brennan  KD5VIJ, CCC-A/SLP
>> web page http://titan.sfasu.edu/~g_brennantg/sonicpage.html
>> On Mon, 3 Jul 2017, Jeff Weiss wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> My name is Jeff Weiss and I just joined the blind apple list.
>>> I used to publish a disk magazine for blind Apple users originally 
>>> called
>>> Apple Talk.
>>> Due to a problem with licensing Dos for the magazine, I later changed 
>>> the name to
>>> A-Talk.
>>> First, how do I read the archives?  I downloaded some files that end 
>>> with .gz.  I guess this is some type of zip file, but where can I get 
>>> the program to unzip the files?
>>> My next question is how do most of you boot your apple disks on the pc? 
>>> I have started launching mine with batch files, which makes the process 
>>> much easier than typing out the entire launch commands.
>>> Also, I think Jason said that there are additional disk images 
>>> available.  Are they available for download, or directly from Jason?
>>> That's enough for now, and I look forward to comments from other list 
>>> members.
>>> Jeff Weiss
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