[Blindapple] aTalk ProDos disks

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Thu Aug 3 00:42:47 EDT 2017


Thanks for these, as always. I'm glad the Apple Talk/A-Talk collection 
is now complete. Assuming what you've sent so far represents most or all 
of the material you have which is directly attributable to you, I'd be 
willing to create a .zip file with everything in it for the benefit of 
anyone, now or in the future, who missed any or all of your attachments 
and wants the entire collection.

I'm also looking forward to anything you can send from the disk library. 
Even if some of the software in your collection cannot be shared for 
legal reasons, please image it anyway so it can have a chance at still 
existing if and when it can some day be legally distributed. Those old 
5.25 inch disks aren't getting any younger, after all.

Thanks again,


On 8/2/2017 12:45 PM, Jeff Weiss wrote:
> Attached is
> aTalk5AndOtherProDosDisks
> Just unzip and add these files to your aTalk folder.
> The only disk here that will boot is
> aTalkMasterPro
> You could just boot this disk and read the material contained on the master  by doing:
> at masterPro
> To read issues 17 through 20 of the aTalk magazine, and to use the other prodos disks in this package, it is necessary to launch the aTalkMasterPro disk and the second disk with the magazine or application.  Remember that the second disk requires the full disk name except for the .dsk extension.
> To read aTalk17Pro.dsk, you could type
> at2 MasterPro aTalk17Pro
> All of the prodos disks in the package end with Pro.dsk—and the only Prodos disk here that will boot is the MasterPro.
> To launch the courses disk which contains Fitness and SelfImprovement,
> at2 masterPro aTalkCoursesPro
> Besides the last 4 issues of aTalk
> aTalk17Pro.dsk
> aTalk18Pro.dsk
> aTalk19Pro.dsk
> aTalk20Pro.dsk
> the package contains:
> aTalkMasterPro.dsk
> aTalkGamesPro.dsk
> aTalk CoursesPro.dsk
> aTalkTwPro.dsk
> aTalkUtil.Pro.dsk
> Here is a description of what is in each of the last 4 issues of the aTalk Magazine:
>                   A-Talk #17, February, 1989
> Welcome to Prodos--article
> Name Change--article
> ProDOS Commands--tutorial
> The ProDOS Copy Command--article
> Formatting ProDOS Disks--article
> Braille Display Discussion--article
> Sharing Ideas--opinions of readers
> Lowercase Display for the Apple 2 Plus--article
> Music Disks--list of public domain disks in the library
> ProDOS Eamons--list of ProDOS Eamons in the library
> DOS 3.3 Eamons--DOS 3.3 Eamon adventure disks in the library
> Othello--game
> File.Stamp--utility
> Star.Wars--game
> Byte.Zap--utility
> Assertiveness--test yourself
> Morse.Teacher--morse code practice
> Primes--program
> pixCELLS Notice--about producing braille graphics
>                      A-Talk #18, May, 1989
> The Slotbuster--article
> The Personal Computer as a Tool for the BlindH--article
> Editing Basic Programs with a Word Processor--tutorial
> Sharing Ideas--opinions of readers
> Old.McDonald--music
> Adjustment--test yourself
> Match--game
> Survive--game
> Cows.Bulls--game
> Space.Gorn--game
> Letter.Getter--game
> Roman.Numerals--conversion program
> Playback--game
> Copy.disk--utility
> Enchanted--game
>                    A-Talk #19, August, 1989
> The Braille N Speak--article
> Computerized Books for the Blind--article
> CBFB Registration Form--form to sign up for service
> Sharing Ideas--opinions of readers
> Modifying Basic Programs--article
> Revelation1.11--Bible study
> Speed.Reading--game
> Paddles--utility
> Mastermind--game
> Charge--music/sound
>                   A-Talk #20, November, 1989
> Final Issue--article
> Using Applesoft Basic Functions--tutorial
> Termtalk Review--software review
> Sharing Ideas--opinions of readers
> About Menu--instructions for menu program
> Music Disks--list of public domain disks
> ProDOS Eamon Adventures--list of public domain disks
> DOS 3.3 Eamon Adventures--list of public domain disks
> Menu--all basic programs run from a menu
> Christmas.Card--music with graphics
> Tic.Tac.Talk--game
> Starwars--game
> Ext.Int.Test--test yourself
> Batnum--game
> Scramble--game
> Pizza--game
> Fort--game
> Wishes--program
> Clouzot--game
> Word.Scramble--game
> Natural.Logs--conversion program
> Great.Escape--game
> Jeff Weiss
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> BlindApple mailing list
> BlindApple at bluegrasspals.com
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