[Blindapple] how to navigate the maze successfully in the smurk game?

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Thu Oct 20 08:11:13 EDT 2016


Here's a piece of a message I sent a few years back on this subject, 
hope it helps.

 From the small room, go North (this puts you in the maze), North, 
North, East, East. You'll be at a dead end, where you'll find a useful 
object, so pick
it up. Now go North (to leave the dead end), North, North, East, West, 
and you're back in the small room.


On 10/19/2016 1:43 AM, Byron Stephens wrote:
> The subject says it. I did this once in this game to get the dictionary at the dead end, but I forgot how to find that in the game again once you gotten into the maze.
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