[Blindapple] read me for talking dos box

Josh K joshknnd1982 at gmail.com
Fri May 15 08:22:54 EDT 2015

i don't think we'd need every one, maybe just one or two would work? too 
bad we can't get some old companies on board to help out.

follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982

On 5/15/2015 8:10 AM, Guillem wrote:
> It would be possible to emulate every notetaker and synthesizer out there, indeed. But I learned the hard way that it’s not something easy. I trequires *HOURS* of messing with code, hardware which is not usable by blind people whatsoever and a bunch of other steps that I haven’t even looked into. Also, it would require having multiple copies of the unit you want to emulate, as there is a really high chance that you will brick a unit if you try to mess with it’s internals.
> The MESS team has been working on emulating the Votrax SC01 and SC02/artic SSI263 synthesis chips, which are used in many products. The SC02 powers prety much every Artic device, as well as the Blazie notetakers, Aicom Accent, Speakout/Sounding Board, APH Pocket Braille and a bunch of others, so that could be a very big step. We would still need someone to grab a copy of the actual synthesizers and somehow extract the firmware in their ROM.
>> On 15 May 2015, at 13:56, Josh K <joshknnd1982 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> here is a link for the read me for talking dos box. i was thinking since com0com could be an annoyance for folks. too bad we cannot somehow get ahold of a internal synthesizer card rip the data from it and use it as software in talking dos box no longer needing com0com. but this may be dreaming and may be a longshot as developing is not my forte or strength I'm not sure if that would even be doable. wonder how they ripped echo for use in mess maybe something similar  could be done for talking dos box?
>> http://pmsworld.tdrealms.com/tbreadme.html
>> -- 
>> follow me on twitter @joshknnd1982
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