[Blindapple] audio files for the apple emulator

Blake Roberts beroberts at hughes.net
Sat Feb 1 09:27:28 EST 2014

Here again are links to Jayson's three audio demos about using the emulator.


Launching Apple IIe Emulator demo
Using Save States on Apple IIe Emulator, part 1

Using Save States on Apple IIe Emulator, Part 2



I listened to these shortly after they were produced last year. Jayson did a
fantastic job!




From: blindapple-bounces at bluegrasspals.com
[mailto:blindapple-bounces at bluegrasspals.com] On Behalf Of William Farewell
Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2014 8:54 AM
To: Blind Apple Discussions
Subject: [Blindapple] audio files for the apple emulator



Could whoever receives this message resend the 2 audio files that explain
how to use the emulater?

Thank you verry much,

William Farewell

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