[Blindapple] Seeking a particular game disk; see inside.

Byron Stephens bstephens122874 at shaw.ca
Mon Sep 23 18:40:39 EDT 2013

I'm wondering about a couple games as well. There was one called trivia 
talk, and I think there's also a jeopardy one as well in both dos 3.3 and 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Moore" <coasterfreak88 at me.com>
To: "Blind Apple Discussions" <blindapple at bluegrasspals.com>
Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 3:17 PM
Subject: [Blindapple] Seeking a particular game disk; see inside.

> Does anyone remember a game disk that had hockey and football games on it? 
> I remember it being the flip side of a disk of games I used to play with. 
> THe two games were "Hockey" and "Football NFL." Does anybody remember this 
> and if you do, where can I get an image of it to play with the emulator? 
> Thanks.
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