[Blindapple] my observations and questions about mockingboard

Jayson Smith jaybird at bluegrasspals.com
Fri Sep 6 18:48:14 EDT 2013


Cool, how do you get Mockingboard support working?

Yes, they're both in the same slot. In fact, as I understand it, the 
Echo II Plus has built-in Mockingboard support, so it's all on one 
physical card.

On 9/6/2013 6:46 PM, Bryan Mckinnish wrote:
> Hi.
> I was able to get mockingboard to work correctly with the emulator. I 
> was thinking about putting it in a couple of my games, and I was 
> wondering something. Can you tell the program to use another slot for 
> it? The echo and mockingboard are in the same slot if I have it right.
> Now onto my observations.
> I did notice that it's a stereo soundcard that uses 8 bit sounds. I 
> think it also can use tts, but I'm not sure how to activate that.
> Thanks.
> Bryan Mckinnish
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