[Blindapple] Making silent Disks Talk?

Kyle kyle at gmx.ca
Thu Oct 10 09:39:14 EDT 2013

Revisiting this one...
Seems I'm having trouble experimenting with most of the DOS 3.3
variants. It seems they are storing part of the improved DOS into the
same location in memory as Textalker, so it would seem impossible to
make the master disks, or any other disk initialized with these variants
talk without sacrificing the ability to run most DOS commands. So far,
I'm having problems with David DOS, Diversi-DOS, which I have read
should talk and work correctly, and did in 1986, but apparently doesn't
now, (perhaps I need a specialized textalker) and ES DOS, which is an
improved version of Pronto DOS, but it freezes whenever the disk is
accessed while Textalker is running. Most of these variants crash into
the monitor for something as simple as attempting to catalog a disk. As
of this post, aside from Apple's original DOS 3.3, I have only been able
to make Pronto DOS work correctly with Textalker by simply copying it to
an initialized disk and inserting its brun command into the hello
program. I have been able to make these modifications to both the Pronto
Dos master and Samuel E. Scott's alternate Pronto Dos master found on
Asimov, which appears to be nearly indistinguishable from the 1983
Pronto Dos master disk. I have also been able to run Textalker on the
Dos Boss disk, and all Dos Vossed initializations of Pronto Dos appear
to cause no problems with Textalker.

If anyone has any suggestions about how I could make some of the other
variants I mention talk and work correctly, particularly ES DOS, which
is said to be even faster than Pronto Dos and has a really nice "NARF
HELLO" launcher program, I would greatly appreciate them. I would
definitely enjoy being able to run NARF HELLO on a talking disk and add
programs to its very simple launcher menu.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

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