[Blindapple] tt13 disks

Aaron Hewitt applerocks46 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 15:55:38 EST 2013

If you attached a file to this email my mac isn't seeing it.
Sent from my iPhone

> On 5 Nov 2013, at 13:07, Jayson Smith <jaybird at bluegrasspals.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm attaching a version I made just now which does boot. It loads Textalker 1.3 into memory, so it will come up talking, unlike the real disk. It even has ProntoDOS installed, which makes loads much faster. Here it is.
> Jayson
>> On 11/5/2013 3:02 AM, Tony Baechler wrote:
>> There is something wrong with the disk which prevents it from booting
>> properly.  I'll try to take a look if I have time.  I suspect it needs some
>> kind of DOS put on it as all of the files are there.  Way back when I first
>> encountered that disk, it booted fine, but for some reason, Jayson's copy
>> seems unbootable.  Fortunately, you don't actually need to boot it to get it
>> to talk as it loads the necessary files into memory when you run the talking
>> demo.  Actually, it's probably better to run it without Textalker as it
>> seems to overwrite Textalker in memory when the demo starts.  If I can get
>> it to boot properly, I'll post a copy to the list.
>>> On 11/4/2013 11:55 AM, Joe Quinn wrote:
>>> after loading the disk, it doesn’t come up talking. any ideas why? and i waited about 1 minute or so… Thanks! it’s the disk called tt13.dsk
>>> Joe Quinn
>>> jdawg1983 at gmail.com
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> <tt13boot.dsk>
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