[Blindapple] Echo for Apple II GS?

Jayson Smith ratguy at insightbb.com
Tue Aug 17 22:28:48 EDT 2010


Do you know if your Apple has an Echo card installed? If not, you will need 
to know this. To find out, turn off the computer, and open it up. If you 
need to know how, let me know. The Apple has seven slots where cards may be 
installed, plus the memory expansion slot. The memory expansion slot is near 
the bottom right of the inside of the machine. The other slots are above 
this. Look at any cards that are installed. An Echo card will almost 
certainly have at least one earphone type jack on the front edge of the 
card. If you find such a card, try plugging in a small speaker, headphones, 
etc. into this jack and see if you get speech. If there's no such card in 
your system, you will need an Echo card, and a speaker. I have an extra Echo 
card, but not a speaker.
Hope this helps!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ryan Conroy" <staindaddict at juno.com>
To: <blindapple at bluegrasspals.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 10:15 PM
Subject: [Blindapple] Echo for Apple II GS?

> Hi everyone,
> I recently bought an Apple II GS, and I have everything but the echo box 
> to make it talk. Is there anyone on here who has an echo for the Apple II 
> GS that they're willing to get rid of for a reasonable price?
> Please let me know. I have PayPal, so I can pay instantly.
> I'm not sure if the Apple IIGS has its own Echo Box, or if any echo from 
> any Apple would work. Hopefully, someone knows the answer.
> Please get back to me when you can.
> Take care,
> Ryan
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