[DECtalk] hi

damien c. sadler - head of x-sight interactive sadlerman at randylaptop.com
Wed May 30 04:12:06 EDT 2007

i'm damien. subscribed to the list yesterday.
btw, hi katie, pleased to meet another dectalk singer on here.

my question is, don't know if many people on here are aware, but i made a dectalk scripter program which currently uses speak43.exe to run the demo.txt file. however i've been experiencing problems doing it this way.
my main program is that it can only accept demo.txt, and i want to be able to give the user the possibilities of making other files, and it doesn't like running straight out - i have to make it create a temporary shortcut, run the shortcut then delete it.
i was wondering if there was any possibility of allowing my program direct access to the dectalk api or something? how would i get hold of it and how do i use it?
that way i can also do syntax handling too.
oh, and as an aside, katie, i don't know what causes that error i've been getting it myself, sometimes if the wave file hasn't been converted properly or something, oh and i'd like to be able to put that option into mine as well.




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